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Professionalism: The Underestimated Ingredient to Creative Success | Ep 33

Welcome to another insightful episode of the Creative Biz Launch Podcast, where we discuss the nuances of growing your creative business and scaling it to six figures. Whether you're a photographer, filmmaker, or designer, today's episode is just the professional upgrade you need.

In this episode, your host, Chris Pieta, dives deep into a fundamental, yet often overlooked, aspect of running a successful creative business – Professionalism. Chris shares from his firsthand experience, the shocking number of creatives who miss out on opportunities due to a lack of professionalism in basic business practices.

Chris unpacks the power of professionalism by sharing four crucial ways you can upgrade your client interactions and set yourself apart in the crowded creative market. From gathering feedback, mastering email communication, implementing a structured client onboarding system, to the simple, yet impactful, act of sticking to your word – Chris provides clear, actionable steps for creatives seeking to elevate their businesses.

Featuring real-life experiences, including a lifestyle shoot for a major brand, Chris makes a compelling case for why receiving feedback is a gift, not an affront. He reveals the secret sauce behind his successful business relationships – asking clients, "What can I have done today for this to have been a better photo shoot for you?"

Moreover, Chris highlights the importance of being meticulous and respectful in email communication, and why something as simple as having a Google Workspace email address can elevate your professionalism. He also takes you through his systematic onboarding process, emphasizing the importance of prompt communication, structured processes, and the power of sticking to your word.

If you're looking to retain clients and build a lasting reputation, tune into this episode and discover the transformative power of professionalism. After all, returning clients are the secret sauce to a thriving creative business!

As always, if this podcast has helped you or your business, do share it with a friend or another creative in your life. Every share helps Chris further his mission of helping creative entrepreneurs.

Listen, learn, implement, and remember, professionalism can be the differentiating factor in your creative business. Tune in now!


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