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How to Achieve Creative Business Success on Your Own Terms | Ep 30

Do you wonder why your excellent photography skills aren't translating into clients? Tune in as Chris Pieta unpacks this enigma and challenges the prevailing mindsets in the creative industry. Chris reveals why being skilled doesn't entitle you to clients and why mastering the business aspect is vital for survival in this competitive field.

Discover how overcoming entitlement and nurturing a growth mindset can significantly impact your client acquisition and overall success. Learn from Chris as he walks you through the process of continuous self-improvement, the importance of presenting your portfolio to the world, and the power of consistent action and persistence in your journey.

This episode promises to provide a transformative mindset shift, which will not only benefit your photography business but also have a profound impact on your life. Listen till the end to grasp this valuable insight, which could be the key to unlocking the full potential of your creative business.

Creative Biz Launch Waitlist:

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