Membership Community

Reflecting and Setting New Goals | #61

May 02, 2023

Originally shared 12.23.22 


The end of the year is almost here. It's important to take time to review and reflect.

Reflection can help us to understand what we've achieved and what's held us back.

Start by writing down all you achieved during the past year, no matter how small. Celebrate and appreciate all the things you've achieved and take pride in the progress you made.

Reviewing the Year

When we look back on the year, it's important to be honest and open with ourselves. We can look at our successes and failures. We can think about what worked, and what didn't. This can help us understand our strengths and our weaknesses.

Learning from failures and ensuring they don’t happen again is something every business owner needs to do.

A failure doesn’t have to be a huge misstep either, it can be something as simple as not booking clients after 10 sales calls.

What happened on those calls that scared the client away? Was it you? Was it a bad fit? Did they not have the spending power?

Identify what went wrong, and work to fix that so that you don’t repeat those mistakes.

Celebrating successes is just as important. What went right in the past year? How can you ensure more success in the coming year?

Setting Goals

When we set goals for the future, it's important to be realistic. We can make ambitious goals, but we should also make sure that we are able to achieve them. It's important for our goals to be measurable so that we can track our progress.

How Do I Achieve Goals?

I simply take my long-term goals and break them down into small actions you can do every single day.

Let’s take a common goal a lot of you may have: Make 6 figures from photography this next year.

How can we actually achieve this? Let’s break it down.

$100k/yr becomes about $8000 a month.

If our average package price is $2000, that means we need to sell 4 clients a month.

To close 4 clients, we need to send about 300 cold emails (your close rates will vary).

To break that down even further, we need to send 10 cold emails per day.

That’s the actionable step we need to take every day if we want to break $100k. Yes I know I'm not including repeat clients here, but that's not the point.

Sending 10 cold emails is something this is 100% in our control. Meaning making 6 figures is in our control.

Make the goal the daily action rather than the dollar sign. That way you control the outcome.

Get after it.