
I Lost A Client And Brought Them Back For 3x The Rate | 96

Aug 25, 2023

Have you ever had the client end the partnership seemingly out of nowhere?

You deliver great work, and they're getting great results, but they want to stop working with you.

I've been there.

After this happened for the third time, I dug into it and actually managed to re-sign the client for triple the revenue.

It's not too good to be true. Here's the simple strategy you can start using today.


My Real World Experience

I tripled my revenue with a single client, and it wasn't by some complex master plan. It was a simple strategy that I stumbled upon unintentionally.

Here's the deal: I'd been working with this client for two years. We revamped their brand identity and elevated their photography game, and they loved it. We began on a 3-month retainer, and I delivered excellent photos month after month.

But every time our retainer ended, they were hesitant to renew immediately.

This boggled me because they loved my work and the value it added to their brand.

It wasn't until we had a conversation that I uncovered the root of their hesitation. They loved the photos but found it tedious to post them consistently on their social media.

They simply didn't feel like posting consistently.

As a content creator, this was my specialty.


The Solution: More Than Just Photography

I offered to manage their social media posts for an additional fee.

And guess what? They agreed instantly.

Not only did this increase my monthly rate, but it also meant consistent work without any 3-month breaks.

By solving this simple problem for them, I went from working 3 months on, 3 months off, to working 6 months straight. This increased volume + my new service fee led to a 3x increase in revenue.

I was shocked by how easy this unlock was.


A Lesson in Listening

The core of our service-based business is to:

  1. Identify a problem.
  2. Listen to the client's perspective.
  3. Propose a solution.

It sounds basic, right?

But many of us, especially creatives, get caught up in our offerings and forget to adapt to our client's evolving needs. We forget to ask the most basic questions. Sometimes, it's best to offer those custom solutions.

Go out there and find problems you can solve.


🚀 Key Takeaways

  1. Never Assume: Always dig deeper to find out why a client might decline an offer. It's our duty to unearth their 'why.'
  2. Adaptability is Key: Every client is unique. Be ready to pivot based on their evolving needs, even if it means stepping out of your photography zone.
  3. Communication is Gold: Engage in post-project feedback sessions. It can open doors to new opportunities, ensuring you remain relevant to your client's needs.
  4. Be Proactive, Always: Identify potential needs and offer solutions. Be consistent with your follow-ups. Your proactivity can be a game-changer.

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