
#1 Thing To Go From Broke Photographer To Six Figures | #70

May 20, 2023


I need to tell you something. I used to be a broke photographer.

In the first 18 months of running my business, I only made $50k in revenue.

Then I made the same amount in the next 3 months.

And again, the following 3 months.

For those keeping track at home that’s $50k in 18 months and then another $100k in just 6 months.

Now, I’m not saying these numbers to brag. I want to let you know what’s possible in our industry.

Photography is notorious for gatekeeping. I want to pull back the curtain and show you what you can actually make as a photographer.

A lot of people have this limiting belief that photographers don’t make much money. And most photographers don’t. If you want these kinds of numbers inside your business, you need to know how to operate a business.

And not just that, you need to know how to operate a business using systems. A systematic approach to running a business allows you to free up your time to higher-value tasks and, in turn, make more money.

I made a lot of mistakes in those first 18 months. I didn’t have anyone to tell me what I was doing wrong and what I was doing right.

When I implemented all the parts of my system, something just seemed to click. It seemed like an overnight success. But it was far from it.

It was the 18 months of trial and error and slowly building up the systems that allowed me to rapidly increase my revenue.

You’re probably saying, “Ok Chris, we get it. We need systems inside our business. But what kind of systems? What even is a system?”

I teach all of this inside Creative Biz Launch, but if you missed the chance to enroll last month, let me lay it all out.

A system is just a structured way of doing something. A repeatable process that can be done over and over again.

Success comes from this: Doing the same simple actions that have been proven to work combined with volume.

That’s what I teach you through this newsletter. That’s what I teach you through my YouTube channel.

Each week I lift the veil on my own business and teach a system I have.

Everything from cold email, to creating a dream offer, to your niche. I teach these principles week after week, all for free, and it’s on you to implement them.

You can take all my content and create your own systems from it. Everything I say has worked for me. That’s the whole reason why I share this stuff.

Now if you don’t want to go out and organize all my videos, and newsletters into your own systems, enroll in Creative Biz Launch next time we open for enrollment. Everything is laid out for you in there.

And if you don’t want to invest in yourself, please continue to consume and implement all this free knowledge I put out week after week. I’m here to teach you everything I know.

And speaking of free… here’s my latest goodie.

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